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Discover Boundless Entrepreneurial Opportunities in India

In a land rich with entrepreneurial opportunities, where dreams and visions take flight, you have the chance to make a significant impact. India, with its burgeoning economy and vibrant youth population, offers a dynamic environment for growth and innovation.

However, there is a pressing issue affecting both rural and urban India: a substantial number of school and college dropouts are contributing to social and economic imbalance. This challenge underscores the need for new solutions and opportunities to support the youth and bridge this gap.

You are not alone in this journey. India, home to 140 crore people and 45 crore aspiring young individuals, stands as a testament to potential and resilience. With a 3 trillion-dollar economy and a 1 trillion-dollar export market, the country provides a robust foundation and immense support for your entrepreneurial ventures.

Join us in transforming challenges into opportunities and contributing to a more balanced and prosperous society.

Overcoming Hurdles and Lack of Guidance:
Empowering India's Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Despite the vast entrepreneurial potential in India, many aspiring entrepreneurs face significant hurdles and a lack of guidance. These challenges often stifle ambition and hinder growth.

Did you know that in India, 65 lakh students graduate each year, yet the employability rate remains shockingly low? Among the 3 lakh MBA graduates annually, only 10% are deemed employable. Additionally, a staggering 94% of engineering graduates—affecting approximately 12.5 lakh individuals—are not considered fit for hiring, revealing a significant gap between education and job market requirements.

These statistics highlight a critical need for improved guidance and support for both students and aspiring entrepreneurs. By addressing these gaps, we can better align education with market needs and enhance employability.

Join us in bridging this gap and empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs and professionals in India. Together, we can overcome these challenges and unlock the full potential of our talented youth.

Discover Boundless Entrepreneurial Opportunities in India

In a land rich with entrepreneurial opportunities, where dreams and visions take flight, you have the chance to make a significant impact. India, with its burgeoning economy and vibrant youth population, offers a dynamic environment for growth and innovation.

However, there is a pressing issue affecting both rural and urban India: a substantial number of school and college dropouts are contributing to social and economic imbalance. This challenge underscores the need for new solutions and opportunities to support the youth and bridge this gap.

You are not alone in this journey. India, home to 140 crore people and 45 crore aspiring young individuals, stands as a testament to potential and resilience. With a 3 trillion-dollar economy and a 1 trillion-dollar export market, the country provides a robust foundation and immense support for your entrepreneurial ventures.

Join us in transforming challenges into opportunities and contributing to a more balanced and prosperous society.

Our Mission

At TWANKA, our mission extends beyond mere business growth……………

Our Vision

Under Mr. Joshi’s leadership, TWANKA aims to nurture a culture of innovation and self-reliance……

Our Impact

Through our tailored programs and initiatives, TWANKA is making a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals and communities………..

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